It is also because of this good that people never tire of tackling this same project all around the globe. Computerizing this traditional system has done a lot of good. This system is convenient in tackling most of the problems faced when using the traditional book systems in libraries. The library management system is a project that several people have tackled for several years, hence this is not a maiden project. Their program run successfully, and linked list was the data structure that played an important role. Their program had core features of traditional library management such as adding books, returning books, borrowing/ issuing books, viewing records of books issued and categorizing books into different departments, among other features. Linked list was the data structure they preferred to use in their program although they had the choice of other data structures, like arrays. They worked on a library management system, using the C programming language to aid them. The main purpose is to delve into their project and discuss the data structure used in achieving the objectives of the project. This report is based on a real-world problem solved by a number of students of the Government Engineering College, Gandhinagar in India.