I personally got well over level 100 on ps4. Off the top of my head, the lovers embrace perk (from sleeping with a companion you romance) gets you an additional 15 experience for a short period and Pipers perk when you reach max affinity gives you more experience for every location you find. Simply open any of the text files and change the quest ID for another. Yeah my first time playing fallout 4 was on ps4. I can easily add more if requested, but these can quickly be duplicated and re-purposed to get rid of the quests/objectives that annoyed you if I didn’t cover them. The best stuff on ps4 is stuff like More Exploration, or Plenty o interiors. Once the quest is in your journal, open the console. Cannibal in Concord Is the closest thing you will get to a quest mod in ps4 its done with only notes but I still recommend it. The mod includes a new crafting table called the. NMM doesn’t seem to know where to leave the TXT file, so you have to extract it from the RAR archive and drop it yourself. You can use the Console Command menu on PC to sort of cheat and allocate the perks the way you want, there is also a MOD that you can use to get a Perk Reset. The Craftable Ammo mod adds even more crafting to the expansive build-fest that is Fallout 4, but we have no problem with that. Simply drop the text files into your main game folder, like C:\Games\Fallout 4 (containing Fallout4.exe and the Launcher) (This method can’t prevent the quests from showing up in the first place) New factions, new locations, and multiple fully voiced companions.

a way to get rid of that infernal journal spam.